Do you find it hard to set and achieve goals as a 9-5er? Here are hacks to crush those goals without inventing a 25-hour day and achieving more goals with less time.
Life is a series of calendar notifications, emails, and meetings. Who has time for goal setting when I work 9-5 and the weekend is for owambe and resting? But guess what? Even the busiest professionals can set goals, make progress, and keep their sanity (especially in this T-pain area). Here’s how to crush those goals without needing to invent a 25-hour day.
For busy professionals, success can mean different things, from hitting a project deadline to maintaining a healthy work-life balance. So how can we set a goal then as Professionals?
Begin by defining what a successful outcome looks like for you. Start small with achievable goals that fit into your current routine. The key is being real with yourself! Setting goals that don’t stretch you too thin or overcommit your already busy schedule. You can consider using the SMART framework(specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time bound). This ensures you’re setting clear, actionable goals that you can steadily achieve.
And to define success realistically, you’ll need to:
Next step is to break your goals to micro milestones. When you break things down, even the most ambitious goals look achievable and you’re also much more likely to stick with the goal because each step feels doable. So, instead of looking at one massive leap, you’re just checking off steps one by one. Think of it as turning your goal into a “to-do” list that, with each step, brings you closer to your dream. Micro-milestones give you achievable markers that keep you motivated and you also get to celebrate those bit size wins. To break down your goals into micro milestones;
The next step is to schedule your goals like meetings. Instead of hoping you will find time to work on your goals, treat each one as if it’s a meeting with a client, a boss or a VIP. Block off dedicated times in your calendar to ensure that your goals get the attention they deserve and ward off distractions. You will need to:
For example, If your goal is to improve a skill, you can decide to block an hour every Tuesday and Thursday specifically for skill-building, and treat it with the same respect as a client meeting.
Habit stacking is another step to goal setting. It is a method where you link a new habit to something you already do, making it easier to remember and build a routine around. For example, If your goal is to start journaling, try writing one sentence every morning right after brushing your teeth. With these small steps, you get to make steady progress towards your goals without dramatically changing your day.
How to Start Stacking:
With each step, it is important to review your progress: check for what’s working and what’s not. You can incorporate weekly or monthly check-ins to evaluate habits that contribute to achieving your goals or look for areas of improvement. Give yourself grace, time and be flexible if a certain plan is not working.